Wood plaque with personalized engraved plate available.
Custom base mounting options available.
Available as 360° view ceiling mount.
Product Overview
Prized for its availability, flavor, and size, Red grouper is harvested in both commercial and recreational reef fish fisheries in the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.
A Red Grouper trophy fish mount from Gray Taxidermy is handcrafted in the U.S. We combine over fifty years of experience and skilled craftsmanship to ensure that your custom trophy mount exceeds your expectations of what a perfect custom fish mount should look like.
Our skilled artists take pride in capturing the rich beauty and realism of nature that each unique marine species bring. A fish mount from Gray Taxidermy will capture and commemorate a memory of a life time. We are able to transform raw materials into the ultimate representation of an angler's most notable achievement. Great attention to detail and true craftsmanship is our motto while we continue to serve customers around the world. Gray Taxidermy goes to great lengths to ensure the precise color and characteristics are resembled in your custom fish mount.
Before leaving our facility, each custom fish mount is thoroughly inspected to ensure our goal of 100% customer satisfaction.
If you want to complete your trophy wall with a unique action scene by adding baitfish along your mount, we have a variety of baitfish mounts to choose from.
Product Specs:
- Available Sizes: 25 in. - 32 in.
- Details: Fired-Enamel Glass Eye
- Product Options: Wood Plaque, Custom Base, 360°
We also offer elegant solid wood plaques to accompany yor trophy mount. Includes traditional wood plaque with sublimated personalized information. Just ask for more information.
15 in x 12 in or 10 in x 8 in personalized wood plaque.
Color: Gold
15 in x 12 in or 10 in x 8 in personalized wood plaque.
Color: BlueAvailable for all fish species
Species Information
Scientific Name: Epinephelus morio
Size: At their largest, they can be up to 50 inches long and more than 50 pounds.
Location & Habitat: South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
- Color brownish red
- Lining of mouth scarlet-orange
- Blotches on sides in unorganized pattern
- Second spine of dorsal fin longer than others
- Pectoral fins longer than pelvic fins; squared off tail
- Margin of soft dorsal black with white at midfin
- Black dots around the eyes
The Red grouper (Epinephelus morio) is brown with reddish jaws and pale blotches on the sides. It weighs up to 40 pounds (18 kg). It is found from the coast of southern Florida to tropical South America.
Red grouper are easily recognized by their color and by the sloped, straight line of their spiny dorsal fin. The fin has a long second spine and an unnotched interpine membrane. Most epinepheline groupers have a notched dorsal spine membrane and a third spine longer than the second. The body is deep brownish-red overall, with occational white spots on the sides. Tiny black specks dot the cheeks and operculum.
The red grouper is most closely related to the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, which has several verticle bars and blotches, and is found more commonly on coral reefs in the West Indies.Red grouper are distributed from North Carolina to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. The species is most abundant along Florida's east and west coasts, and throughout the Gulf of Mexico. It inhabits ledges, crevices, and caverns of rocky limestone reefs and also lower-profile, live-bottom areas in waters 10 to 40 feet deep.
The red grouper is a protogynous hermaphrodite, and females are capable of reproducing at 4 years of age. Spawning takes place from March to July. Females usually release an average of 1.5 million pelagic eggs that remain at the surface for 30-40 days before settling to the bottom. The maximum age of the red grouper is 25 years, with older fish reaching a size of 32.5 inches and 25 pounds. Red groupers usually ambush their prey and swallow it hole, preffering crabs, shrimp, lobster, actopus, squid and fish that live close to reefs.
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