Product Overview
An Atlantic Sailfish trophy fish mount from Gray Taxidermy is handcrafted in the U.S. We combine over fifty years of experience and skilled craftmanship to ensure that your custom trophy mount exceeds your expectations of what a perfect custom fishmount should look like.
Our skilled artists take pride in capturing the rich beauty and realism of nature that each unique marine species bring. A fish mount from Gray Taxidermy will capture and commemorate a memory of a life time.
We are able to transform raw materials into the ultimate representation of an angler's most notable achievement.
Great attention to detail and true craftsmanship is our motto while we continue to serve customers around the world. Gray Taxidermy goes to great lengths to ensure the precise color and characteristics are resembled in your custom Atlantic Sailfish mount.
Product Specs:
- Available Sizes: 24 in. - 130 in.
- Details: Fired-Enamel Glass Eye
- Poses: MultiplePoses Available
- Optinal Coating: UV Inhibitive Polyurethane Outdoor Coating
We also offer elegant solid wood plaques to accompany yor trophy mount. Includes traditional wood plaque with sublimated personalized information. Just ask for more information.

Color: Gold
15 in x 12 in or 10 in x 8 in personalized wood plaque.
Color: Blue
Available for all fish species
Species Information
Scientific Name: Istiophorus albicans
Average Size: 45 to 65 lb (20 to 29 kg)
Location & Habitat: The Atlantic Sailfish's preferred habitat is deep blue water over 100 m (330 ft). The species usually migrates to high latitudes in the warm season. They reproduce while in the subtropics; spawning occurs in early summer in deep, oceanic waters. Prey items include a variety of fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods.
Physical Description: Color of body dark blue to chocolate brown, shading to silvery white underbelly; noticeable spots on dorsal fin; upper jaw elongated in shape of spear; body covered with embedded scales with a single sharp point; tips of first dorsal, pectoral, and first anal fins rounded; lateral line curved above pectoral fin, then going in straight line to base of tail.
Atlantic Sailfish are large, elongated fish with a large upper jaw that forms a spear which is round in cross-section. Although generally considered to be a rare and solitary species relative to other similar fish, Atlantic Sailfish occur in small groups consisting of several individuals.
First described as a species in 1792, Atlantic sailfishes' scientific name is Istiophorus albicans (Latreille, 1804). The only other sailfishes are the Pacific or Indo-Pacific sailfishes, Istiophorus platypterus (Shaw, 1792)external link; though some scientists disagree on whether the two are in fact different species. Atlantic sailfishes, aka billfishes, ocean gars, ocean guards, and sailfishes, are one of the smaller members of the billfishes or Istiophoridae family, with a maximum size of about 3.15 to 3.40external link m in length and a weight of 100external link kg.
Females are generally larger than males. Distinguishing features include a bill-shaped upper jaw which is circular in cross-section and about twice the length of their lower jaw. The first of this fish's two dorsal fins are very long and tall (hence their name "sailfish"), running most of the length of their body, with the 20th ray as the longest
A pair of grooves run along the ventral (under) side of their body, into which their pelvic fins can be depressed. Their caudal peduncle (tail fin) has double keels and caudal notches on the upper and lower surfaces. Their lateral lineexternal link is readily visible. Body color varies depending upon the fish's level of excitement, but in general their body is dark blue dorsally (above) and white with brown spots ventrally (below). About 20 bars, each consisting of many light blue dots, are present on each of their sides. Their fins are all blackish blue except at the base of their anal fins, which is white.
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